Regular Price $90 Per Shaft Closeout Sale Now $39.95 Per Shaft Limited Stock Left
UST Mamiya’s Recoil Iron Shafts are a game changer. In the past, heavy weight graphite iron shafts felt dead and stiff. With UST Mamiya’s exclusive Recoil™ technology, we have brought feel back into the shaft, while allowing players to hit a wide range of shots that result in better distance control and pin seeking accuracy.
By positioning over 19 different layers within the shaft, we were able to create a design that outperforms the best steel shafts in the market.
The Recoil™ Prototype shafts are constant weight designs, with balance points adjusted so there will be no drop off in swing weight when re-shafting your steel shafted irons.
Recoil- It's more than a reaction. It's a revolution.
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